Will the Real Jeff Brandon Please Stand Up
Will the Real Jeff Brandon Please Stand Up Digital Presence This picture I took one time on vacation, is part of mine: It is featured here so this post doesn’t spoil itself with its own featured image. Establishing narrative context I have a Google alert set for my name. I don’t really know why, other than vanity. I am not particularly notable, people don’t write about me, and I have a pretty low public profile. Is it a bit narcissistic? You bet. I’m not delusional. As unlikely as it may be for me to rise to some level of notoriety, if something like that were to happen, I think it would be interesting to watch it unfold in pseudo-real time. As fate would have it, I am blessed with what many would call “two first names.” I am in good company, with the likes of Bob Ross, Tony Scott, and Missy Elliot, each of us with a double helping of “given-name.” It certainly makes for an above average false positivity rate when it comes to string-matching based alerts li...